Friday, May 8, 2009

Congratulations! and the boring bits

Congratulations to all who made it in to the exhibition and for those who didn't, congratulations too for actually taking part!

Remember that as well as the exhibition, there is a separate performance event which promises to be really fun.... everyone (not just those selected for the exhibition) is invited take part! May 22nd, 8 pm at the Aotea Centre. We expect all raging performance poets, closet or not, to jump in and hopefully some of you artists will be joining us too.... not just with poetry of course! Anything goes, but please don't surprise the organisers - let us know by May 16th if you are in, and what you intend to do.

OK here are the boring technical bits - please read!!

Tomorrow, Sat May 9th is installation. If at all possible please be at the 4th Fl Aotea Centre between 10 am - 2 pm to either pick up your work or install it. If you can't make it at those times please email us so that we can install it for you. Where you have told us you need special things like plinths we will try to get those for you, but it's best to ring Hannah or Christian to check.

Sunday May 10th 3-5 pm is Preview for artists and media only. This is a good chance to come and admire your work. have a nosey at others' and generally make sure everything is in good shape for the opening.

Monday May 11th is Opening 6 pm -8 pm - please tell your friends - it'll be fun!! If at all possible please RSVP (to so we have some idea of numbers.

1 comment:

Ronald Andreassend said...

Thanks Guys, brilliant effort and great turnout for the opening. You should all be proud at the results. Thanks for inviting me