Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Metonymy FAQs

Q: What if I don't like the person I'm matched with?

A: It's the risk you take by signing up. We do our best to match everyone according to the info we are given, and as with all blind dates, it's hard to tell exactly which sparks will fly (or not). So we ask that you give it a go. If it's really impossible, then come back and we'll see what we can do. But no promises, and of course, you'll be running against the clock.

Q: What if the person I'm matched with doesn't return my calls?

A: If you have tried emailing and calling, and there's no response, tell us sooner rather than later.

Q: I have a lover/friend/flatmate who is a great artist. Can I work with them?

A: Of course - go ahead!! But not as your Metonymy partner. Remember the whole point is to work with someone you might not otherwise have considered working with.

Q: I have an existing piece of work that I've been dying to have put to a soundtrack/given an illustration/etc. Can I use it?

A: The idea is to create a new piece of work based on the ideas generated between you and your partner....but there's no reason why old work shouldn't be cannibalised/harvested for it. Just be aware that we ask for equal collaboration, and this is what the panel will be looking for. And anyway....this is your chance to play with stuff that you haven't tried before!

Q: It's free to take part, right? How is Metonymy funded?

A: It isn't funded. We donate our time because we think it's such a cool idea. So if we don't give you exactly what you want or don't quite answer your emails in time, be nice. Or volunteer your own time to help us out.... there are going to be plenty of ways to help, from volunteering your talents as performers at fundraisers, your art for silent auction, or your time to help install and clean up.

We'd like to acknowledge the immense support of The EDGE too - without their support in giving us their venue and equipment for free, this wouldn't be happening in the style it is.

Q: Can we sell our work?

A: Yes, if it is selected for the exhibition it will be up for sale. There is a 15% commission by the Aotea gallery but Metonymy doesn't take anything. We found last year that small individual art pieces (eg, chapbooks, prints or jewellery) sold more easily, but this definitely shouldn't stop you making a big bold piece of work.

Q: Is there a limit on size?

A: Yes. We'll be publishing the maximum dimensions soon.

Q: Can a pair submit more than one work?

A: Absolutely! For example, a collaboration can produce a work presented in several forms - art installation, printed text, performance. It's up to you. But you only have 5 weeks, so don't spread yourself too thinly.

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